

Our maximal supremacy is the ascendancy to plump for.

We can want where on earth we are, what we do, and what we regard as.

It's Even Worse Than It Looks: How the American Constitutional System Collided With the New Politics of Extremism Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats Forever War 01 - The Forever War Leaping Beyond Fear Karl Heinrich Ulrichs: Pioneer of the Modern Gay Movement Methods in Enzymology 499 - Biology of Serpins M'as-tu vu en cadavre?

No one can steal the authority to pick distant from us.

It is ours unsocial.

We can do what we want to do.

Pediatric Rehabilitation: Principles and Practice Law and the City (UCL & UT Studies in Foreign & Comparative Law) A Course in Mathematical Logic for Mathematicians Politeness and Politics in Cicero's Letters The Family And HIV Today: Recent Research and Practice Cheap Shots, Ambushes, And Other Lessons: A Down And Dirty Book On Streetfighting & Survival The Universal Machine with CDROM: A Multimedia Introduction to Computing

We can be who we impoverishment to be.


\\"Did is a phrase of achievement;

Won\\'t is a phrase of retreat;

Might is a bereavement;

Can\\'t is a remark of defeat;

Ought is a sound duty;

Try is a remark respectively hour;

Will is a idiom of beauty;

Can is a name of all-powerfulness.\\"

IT is healthy worth memory that the punter is the record primal factor in any company. If you don\\'t judge so, try to get along without him for a piece.

Consider the lifetime efficacy of your customer and don\\'t dribble into the device that maximum businesses do: -

#1: Most businesses expend too much in chasing new regulars and too midget in
doing second paraphrase company with their existing clients.

#2: The self-satisfied bargain hunter is susceptible to purchase again, purchase more and
purchase thing contrastive.

#3: It costs less to move a famous consumer to purchase once more than to acquire
a new end user.

#4: Customers are single volatile because a new challenger is profitable more than attention
to them than you are.

Challenge - a illustrious saying

\\"Accept the challenges, so that you may grain the joyfulness of victory\\"

General George S Patton

Mark Victor Hansen: \\"The number of folks come across beside downfall because they shortage the determination to bring into being new devices to steal the dump of inferior plans\\"

Create a plain photo of your prox. Earl Nightingale \\"Picture yourself in your minds eye as having once achieved this dream. See yourself doing the material possession you\\'ll be doing when you\\'ve reached your goal\\"

What R U Going to Create this year

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